Well this assumption of the people around the world about the GCC countries specifically about Dubai was wrong. The Arabs realized that to bring development in their country they need to make the organizational culture much better and professional. All the GCC countries showed a progress and development in bringing professionalism in the organizations there but the progress made by Dubai was remarkable.
If you don’t believe what I said then you can simply get a word of mouth from people who have done jobs in other GCC countries and Dubai. Ask them for the difference they feel working in Dubai and other GCC countries. No doubt jobs in other Gulf countries are also secure and you get a great progress in your professional career but people working in Dubai become more professional and can face greater organizational challenges because they come across a lot of different situations and they work in a more professional environment.
So, if you are looking for jobs anywhere in GCC countries then probably Dubai is the best place because Dubai jobs are more professional. Whether you are an engineer, a doctor, and architect or a chef, Dubai is sure to provide you excellent professional environment for doing job. Therefore, you better pull up your socks and try finding a job in Dubai because Dubai is your dream place for travel, tourism, entertainment and job.
Very educating article which gives insights of Dubai's employment and brief description. There are many job opportunities in tourism sector as the number of visitors are always health in Dubai