A few years before, Dubai was known for its oil reserves. But when it disclosed to the rulers of Dubai that the oil reserves will not last long they planned to make Dubai a place for Business, Travel, Tourism and Trade. It is the success of that plan that today Dubai is known as a global business hub and one of the best places all over the world for travel and tourism.
The plan to make Dubai a global business hub and a place for travel and tourism led Dubai towards development. Huge investment was done and a lot of construction projects were started. Now Dubai has one of the finest construction projects in its bucket. People all around the world related to the field of construction made there career in the real estate construction sector by doing different jobs in this field.
Under the current scenario where the construction of various projects have been halted due to some financial problems people who wanted to get settled in Dubai and do job related to construction are a bit scared. They think that they won’t be able to get a job and even if they get one there monthly pay will not be paid on time. No, doubt what they fear is somewhat correct because the global financial crisis caused many people doing construction related jobs to suffer. Their pays were being delayed, they were fired, and they had no other job opportunities. Well if you have some fear due to all this I must tell you that you don’t to worry know and you must take a bold step towards finding a construction job in Dubai. Why I am saying so because all the construction projects which were once halted are slowly and gradually again getting resumed. The inflow of financed for the construction projects have started and a new time-line for the completion of almost all these construction projects is being identified.
People are now moving to other GCC countries but I think if someone wants to make his career in Dubai then construction related jobs are still a great option. Going to Dubai and getting employed with a well reputed construction company now could really bring some good luck for one because Dubai is almost back on its track of success and soon it will re-gain its original position. So, find job in a construction company now because soon this sector will be again on its peak.
Nice post here buddy. What you think, development plans in dubai is opening gates for various jobs for middle living person?
Shehryar Nawaz